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perfect one word no one's heard yet

blow the candles out;

Where We love is home; home that our feet may leave; but not our hearts. - Oliver Wendell Holmes
bold italics underline
welcome message goes here xD

I won't be forgotten;

Full Name; Nur Aqilah.
Nicks; Qilah.
Loves; Chocolates: Ice cream.
Hates; Backstabbers.
Wants; Acoustic Guitar: New Watch: New Pair of Jeans.

We can light up the sky tonight;
click to show links

Outside Friends;

Jonas Brothers; Myspace
Jonas Brothers; Facebook
Fauzie Laily; Blog
ST12 Blog
Dato' Siti NurHaliza
David Archuleta
Simple Plan
Faber Drive; Myspace
Sum 41
Taylor Swift
a moment like this; the memories that I'll forever cherish.

tell me what makes you think that you're invincible;

a wonderwall of stars;

codes: odonut-yj
images: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
brushes: 1 2
fonts: 1 2
words: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Day by day goes by. Each with it's own infinity and specialty. Each day is not the same as the day before;

17 November 2010

Hey guys. Sorry for not updating this blog for a long time. Been a bit busy with my O Level exam. All been done and I'll be waiting for my results with much anticipation. A lot of things had been happening since i last update here. LOL.

12th of November;
Had an outing with the UNFABTEENS. Met up at Boots and shoes and straight to Woodlands Waterfront. Thought of having all 7 of us together, but only 5 of us managed to come. Talked with them about their lives and our lives after our N level graduation. It's the first time ever that we could spent time together like this. Took loads of pictures while we're at the waterfront. Here's the link;  

 16th of November;
Went to Seremban today. And here I am now, in the hotel at Tampin; Kuala Pilah. Visiting the kampong of Cik Rozie. Ate kampong food and everything. Guess what? Kampong food is damn nice! Haha. I don't think we could find anything as original and tasty as kampong food in Singapore. LOL.

17th of November;
Woke up early in the morning and travel back to Cik Rozie's kampong. Ate breakfast, the we went to see a sheep for Korban. Then, we went to the nearby mosque and get to see firsthanded; the slaughter of the cow. It's an experience as I had never seen any slaughterings or korban before. Not that it's the first hand, but always, I will be too far away from the slaughter place to actually see how it is done. Then, went back to Cik Rozie's house to see two sheeps to korban. I really lose my appetite after the korban, but I regained back my appetite after a short while. I'm too tempted to eat the food. LOL. Anyways, we're going to Genting Highlands tmr (18th). Gonna have fun. Btw, Nas! I still remember to buy for you souvenirs. XD. Here's the link to the photos;

I would want to see the world through your eyes;8:43:00 AM;

24 October 2010

It's been more than two months since I last logged in here and post something. Had been busy with School; Tchoukball; and studying for the upcoming 'O' Level exams. The first written paper is tomorrow; ENGLISH! Both papers on the same day. First paper starts at 1.30 pm and the second paper at 4 pm. Then tomorrow is the Maths paper 1 which starts at 2.30 pm. The following day is the Maths paper 2 which also starts at 2.30 pm. The last paper finishes up on 12 November. (:(:(:

1 October 2010;
It's Children's Day today. And that means that we're gonna have lunch at Seoul Garden with those peeps. ! (:
Those peeps that I'm talking about: Sarjeev; Wanee; Slylvester; Rasyiqah; Rachel; Chen Fei; Qurainnissha; and last but not least Shahid. Met at around 1 in the afternoon at Yishun MRT station. Unfortunately, the place is full. But then, the restaurant manager had us book the seats for us and will call us if there are seats available. Waiting time wasn't really that long though; went down to buy some ice cream and ate it outside the shopping mall while the boys went smoking. The manager called not long after that though. Took pictures and stuffs. I'll let the pictures do the talking. Here's the link: 

14 October 2010;
The last day of school. Had our graduation ceremony today. Saddening, but what can we do to stop it? :(
Took lots of photos and here's the link. 
PS; i'm lazy to explain everything that happens today!.

17 October 2010.
Had our Class Barbecue today. Not as much fun as the one we had in June; but it is still okay i guess. Here's the link to the pictures.

I would want to see the world through your eyes;4:16:00 AM;

28 August 2010
♥ Missing you.

It's been a while since I logged in here. A lot of things happened these past few weeks. One of the things is Tchoukball. Didn't get to the next round. But that's okay though. It's a really an experience for us. It was also an exposure to this sport.

I went for a FH Course. What's that, you may ask. It's Food Hygiene Course. It's considered important for each and everyone who is working in the F&B sector. Well, I went there with one of my manager, Jia Sing. Attended the training and had a theory test at the end of the training. Gonna have the practical test this 4 September at Marina Square.

Guess what? This week's I'm gonna have my prelims. I haven't even started yet on my revisions. GREAT. Sure thing, I'm gonna fail. But anyways, I'm gonna start as soon as I'm off this laptop. Gonna stay positive though. (:

I would want to see the world through your eyes;11:55:00 PM;

29 July 2010

Hey. Im back again. It's been months since I post anything here. There's nothing much going on around me. Tonight! Going to Johor Bahru to buy things for the feast tomorrow. (: Got to meet all my cousins. yeah yeah. Currently hearing Up & Running by Jessica Jarrell. Nice song! Tomorrow's gonna be a busy day! Btw, in school today, we got a mock exam. English. The paper really sucks man. Paper 1 was the worst paper of the day. OMG. Next monday, having combined science and maths paper. Gotta study for it!. (:

I would want to see the world through your eyes;11:38:00 PM;